Category: Finance & Loans
Why Your Online Business Is In Need Of A Merchant Account
For online businesses, internet credit card processing is highly important as it is currently the most preferred payment method of many online shoppers nowadays. Credit cards have truly revolutionized the way people shop, in fact, not only online stores needs to have a credit card payment processing portal but a physical shop should also invest…
Online Business Strategies: Merchant Accounts
Shoppers nowadays prefer to swipe their credit cards instead of paying with cash when they go out and purchase something. The same concept applies for online stores, it is critical that an online merchant credit card processing option is available for the convenience of the shoppers. To accept credit cards for business, one must invest…
Why Your Business Needs to Accept Credit Card Payments Online
Ever since the boom of ecommerce, businesses have relied heavily on credit cards when transacting with their target consumers. Sure, other payment processors have been established as they offer faster delivery of money orders, but these also rely on credit cards in order to form accounts for buyers and sellers. Hence, if you are running…
Online Merchant Credit Card Processing Made Easy For Businesses
Article Written by : Refinery News As a sole proprietor, you are running a small business that will struggle if you do not have the technology to make up the lack of manpower. This is the reality that many small businesses face today. When you are in the retail industry, selling a product, you need…
Importance Of Having Online Merchant Account Services
Article submitted by Total Merchant Services For people running a business online, it is highly important that you can process credit cards online for a quick and convenient payment method for your customers. Due to numerous fraudulent activities afloat the web, people are hesitant of ordering or paying from merchants unless a credit payment method is…
Why Accept Credit Cards for Business?
This article was submitted by David Anderson of Why accept credit cards for business? Because most businesses have the most transactions using merchant services especially using a major credit card. It’s not just customers of member merchants that use credit card processing businesses also use it as well. You can find merchant services for business…
Understanding Chargeback Basics, What You Need To Know
Chargebacks are something that can be very confusing to the average business if they are not fully understood. There can be several reasons for a chargebacks to occur, but the fact of the matter is that a chargeback can take money out of the pocket of your company if you are not aware of them…
Why You Should Look Into Online Credit Card Acceptance
Article submitted by Total Merchant Services When it comes to choosing what payment processors your company will accept it can be a daunting task and costly if not done right. The biggest mistake that many companies make is not having online credit card acceptance which can hurt their sales. With so many customers choosing to use…
What To Do If You Are Placed On The Terminated Merchant File
Having your name placed on the Terminated Merchant File is a nightmare for any merchant. This means that he will be unable to accept any credit card payments, which will cut down his business substantially since card transactions form a majority of sales in present day context. Further no reputed bank like Solid Trust Pay…
How to Decide Whether You Need Real-Time Credit Card Authorization for Your Site
There are two different ways that merchants can process and authenticate credit card payments made by their customers: one is batch processing and the other is real-time credit card authorization. With batch processing, several credit card transactions are processed at one time. In many cases, businesses will clear their “batch” at the end of the…