When you’re reviewing credit card processing companies, and trying to come to a decision of which one fits your needs the best, you’ll inevitably find a lot of information. The key concepts to look for are simple: rates, fees and whatever else you think might be relevant to your business. Here are some of the concepts people look at when they compare these providers.
With interchange deluxe rates, the fee you pay to swipe at the credit card machine depends on the card used. This works out better for vendors who do a decent volume of business, all the way up to major retailers. Independents will love the ease of flat rate payments as they start out. The moment you get a storefront, it’s time to look at a more flexible solution.
Paying attention to rates is critical to saving thousands each year in overhead costs.
What fees and discounts are you going to utilize/be held responsible for? You can reduce fees right off the bat by offering a comprehensive return policy on the products you sell. Still, volume discounts sound attractive until you can’t meet them. Make sure you’re not going to pay additional charges for failing to meet those discounts.
Read your contract, especially the fine print, and you’ll find most of this information rather easily.
Final Thoughts
If you plan to open an eCommerce wing to your store, and you don’t want to pay the costs of doing business with Amazon or eBay, you can accept payments online with your own payment processor. This allows you to sell to your customers, and use your payment software to help track those purchases. It may take some integration with your store’s system, but it’s the best way to spend less selling online.
Charge.com Payment Solutions, Inc. has been rated the number one merchant account provider to help businesses of any size to accept credit cards online.
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