Author: admin
Asking the Right Questions Before Applying For A Merchant Account
Making a decision to enroll in merchant credit card processing isn’t the most exciting decision a new business owner makes, but it’s one that will affect the life of that business. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly. That’s why you should learn to ask the right questions while you’re comparison shopping for a…
Why it’s Common to Give a Social Security Number for a Merchant Account
By Samuel Phineas Upham When you want to open a retail store, it becomes important to have some kind of point of sale device where you can charge customers money to purchase items at your store. You’ll need a merchant account in order to move those funds, and you’ll be asked to give your social…
Mail forwarding from USA
By USA2Me Have you ever wished you could get mail from another location without having to change your address? There could be a number of situations where this would make sense (perhaps you’ve actually changed your address). Sometimes people spend prolonged amounts of time in another part of the country, for example. Either because they’re…
Getting the Most out of Your Merchant Account Provider
Article written by Payment Solutions, Inc Whether you opened a merchant account last week, last month, or years ago, chances are the merchant account provider can offer you more than you realize. All it takes is a little research, a phone call or two, and you can unleash its full potential. It’s easy and…
What You Need to Know about Ecommerce Credit Card Processing
Ecommerce credit card processing is on the rise as more people depend on the internet to market their products and services to consumers. Despite all the information available to small business owners, many entrepreneurs are still unclear about how to go start accepting debit and credit cards through a website. And with new products on…
Three Reasons to Accept Mobile Credit Card Payments
As you consider your credit card merchant account options, the ability to accept credit cards on a mobile basis matters. Find out why mobile credit card processing makes sense.
Online Business Strategies: Merchant Accounts
Shoppers nowadays prefer to swipe their credit cards instead of paying with cash when they go out and purchase something. The same concept applies for online stores, it is critical that an online merchant credit card processing option is available for the convenience of the shoppers. To accept credit cards for business, one must invest…
Why Your Business Needs to Accept Credit Card Payments Online
Ever since the boom of ecommerce, businesses have relied heavily on credit cards when transacting with their target consumers. Sure, other payment processors have been established as they offer faster delivery of money orders, but these also rely on credit cards in order to form accounts for buyers and sellers. Hence, if you are running…
Why Your Business Needs to Have Merchant Status
In today’s business world, it is no longer an option to be a “cash only” business. Unfortunately, that’s outdated and no longer relevant to today’s economy. Most people do not carry around cash or checkbooks anymore which makes it that much more important to keep up with the trends. If your company doesn’t accept credit…
How Credit Card Processing Services Improve Cash Flow
Article Written by : How Merchant Accounts Work If you accept credit cards, you know how much easier it is to track and run your business. Cash flow predictability is an integral part of business growth. Without a steady source of income, businesses don’t have a way to forecast investment opportunities, hindering growth and development…